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感谢您访问Doña安娜县(进一步称为“县”)网站并查看我们的网站隐私政策. 通过使用信息, services and products available through this website, you agree to be bound by all of Doña安娜县 Government's terms and conditions of use, 如本文所述. These terms and conditions may be updated when applicable.
这些网页上的信息被视为公共信息,可以分发或复制. Use of appropriate content, text, photo or image credits is requested. 在使用本网站时所取得的任何资料或公众纪录,亦可向有关澳门太阳城app下载索取. This website is only one source of such information.
Doña安娜县使用最新的技术来保护其计算机系统和网络的完整性, including, 但不限于, 个人身份验证, 传输数据的安全, 监控安全. Security methods and measures have been integrated into the design, implementation and day-to-day practices of the entire web site. This, however, is no guarantee that these security measures cannot be violated.
The County takes the security of all PII very seriously. 我们采取预防措施维护安全, 保密, and integrity of the information we collect at this site. 这些措施包括访问控制,目的是在完成我们任务所必需的程度上限制对信息的访问. 我们亦采用各种保安技术来保护储存在我们系统内的资料. 我们定期测试我们的安全措施,以确保它们保持运作和有效.
我们的隐私政策解释了我们如何处理您在线访问我们时提供给我们的个人身份信息(PII), 获取信息, 或者进行交易. PII包括本质上属于个人的信息,可用于识别您的身份. 当您向我们发送电子邮件或请求提供信息时,您可以向我们提供PII, when you fill out a questionnaire or customer satisfaction survey, 当你参与一项研究时, etc. We do not require you to register or provide PII to visit our website. 当您访问时,我们会收集一些不包括PII的技术信息,以使您的访问无缝化.
您在本县网站上提供的个人身份信息将仅用于您提供该信息的目的. As a rule, the County does not collect PII about you when you visit our website, unless you choose to provide such information to us. Submitting PII through our website is voluntary. By doing so, you are giving the County your permission to use the information for a specific, stated purpose. However, 不提供某些信息可能会导致本县无法为您提供所需的服务.
If you choose to provide us with PII on a department’s page, 通过完成网络表单等方法, 我们将使用这些信息来帮助我们向您提供您所要求的信息或服务. 我们从您那里收到的信息可能会根据您访问我们网站时所做的事情而有所不同.
如果您的询价与其他实体有关,我们只会与该实体共享您提供给我们的PII, 或法律另有规定. We never create individual profiles or give your PII to any 私人组织.
如果我们将您的PII存储在一个记录系统中,该记录系统旨在通过个人标识符(姓名)检索有关您的信息, 个人电邮地址, 家庭通讯地址, 个人或移动电话号码, etc.), so that we may contact you, we will safeguard the information you provide to us.
Many of our programs and websites allow you to send us email messages. We will use the information you provide to respond to your inquiry. We will only send you general information via email. You should be reminded that email may not necessarily be secure against interception. Therefore, 我们建议您不要通过电子邮件向我们发送敏感的个人信息(例如您的社会安全号码). If your intended email communication is sensitive, e.g., it includes information such as your bank account, charge card, 或社会安全号码, you should deliver the information in person or instead send it by U.S. mail. 另一种选择可能是通过一个安全的项目网站提交数据,如果有的话.
When browsing through any website, certain information can be collected. We automatically collect the following types of information during visits:- 您访问互联网的域名;
- IP地址(IP地址是在上网时自动分配给计算机的号码).
- 操作系统和访问网站时使用的设备或浏览器的信息;
- 您到访的日期和时间;
- 您访问或下载的内容和
- 网站(如Google).com or Bing.Com)或引荐来源(电子邮件通知或社交媒体网站),将您连接到网站.
Doña安娜县不收集个人识别信息的个人,除非特别, 并且是由这些人故意提供的. 此外,Doña Ana县网络服务器可能会在用户计算机的硬盘驱动器上放置一个“cookie”. The cookie itself does not contain any personally identifying information. If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the website, read pages, 或下载资料, we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. This information does not identify you personally.
我们使用这些信息来分析趋势, 管理网站, 提高网络服务质量和内容质量, collect site visit statistics and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.
当您参与本网站的活动时, 您可能会被要求通过填写和提交在线表格来提供有关您自己的某些信息. It is completely optional for you to engage in these activities. 请注意所收集的所有信息, assembled, 或与政府机构保持联系的信息受新墨西哥州公共记录检查法案的约束.
取决于活动, 我们要求您提供的信息有些是强制性的,有些是自愿性的. If you do not provide the mandatory data with respect to a particular activity, you will not be able to engage in that activity online. Instead, 您将需要使用非网络选项与Doña Ana县政府进行交易.
The County uses social media websites and other kinds of third-party websites. The County uses social media websites to engage in dialogue, 共享信息和媒体, 并与公众合作. 该县还可以使用这些网站来广泛提供信息和服务, while promoting transparency and accountability, as a service for those seeking information about or services from the County.
Doña安娜县政府认识到并赞赏负责任地使用本网站收集的信息的重要性. 根据新墨西哥州的存档政策,信息可能会保存一段指定的时间. However, 资料一般不会向第三方或其他政府机构披露, 除非州或联邦法律要求.
Our website contains links to other government entities, 社区机构, 私人组织, 还有一些商业实体.
External Links
Doña安娜县网站有其他非县网站的链接,如其他政府机构, nonprofit organizations and private businesses. These websites are not within our control and may not follow the same privacy, security, 或者可访问性策略. 请注意,Doña Ana县政府不对内容不受Doña Ana县政府控制的网站的内容或隐私做法负责, whether Doña安娜县 Government links to them as “outside sites” or not. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the policies of that site.
Doña安娜县不支持, approve, 认证或控制这些外部网站, 也不知道他们身上的任何信息. Doña安娜县不能保证您的个人信息的隐私,而访问这些网站.
In the event of any violation of the terms contained herein, the County reserves the right to suspend or terminate, 暂时的或永久的, 所提供的任何或所有服务. 违反本条款的用户可能会额外承担刑事和/或民事责任. The County may refer violators to civil or criminal authorities for prosecution.
You agree to indemnify and hold Doña安娜县 Government and its subsidiaries, affiliates, 电信运营商, 服务提供商, officers, 雇员和代理人不受任何索赔, liability, loss, 费用或需求, 包括律师费, 与用户违反条款和条件或使用本网站提供的服务和信息有关.
在任何情况下都不会Doña安娜县政府, its suppliers, 服务提供商 or other third-party affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever, 包括以下内容:
- Direct, indirect, incidental punitive and consequential damages arising out of the use, 不能使用或不能使用的结果
- This service
- 链接到此服务的任何网站
- Materials or information contained at any or all such sites; or
- 互联网上任何地方的内容
- Aggregate liability of Doña安娜县 Government or any of its suppliers, 服务提供商或第三方附属机构.
In no event shall Doña安娜县 Government be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, 因使用或履行本网站或任何信息而产生的特殊和惩戒性损害赔偿或任何损害赔偿, services or products provided through this website, even if Doña安娜县 Government has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
This service is provided by Doña安娜县 Government “as is.”. Neither Doña安娜县 Government nor its partners, providers, or affiliates make any representations or warranties of any kind, 明示或暗示, 关于服务的操作, its contents, or any information made available by or through the service.
Doña安娜县 Government disclaims all warranties, 明示或暗示, including 但不限于 the implied warranties of merchantability, 适合某一特定目的, 或者任何侵权行为. Furthermore, Doña安娜县政府不保证本服务的使用不会中断, 可以在任何时间、任何地点使用, 安全且无错误. 修正后的缺陷不作保证,也不保证本服务不含病毒或其他有害成分.
如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问或意见,请联系Nelson J. Goodin at or 575.525.5920.